Typical day in kindergarten

From 7:30

· Welcome the kids

· Free play

· Making breakfast

8:00 to 9:00 

Open breakfast

We offer open breakfast for an hour, where children may decide when and what they eat. Through their choices they begin to learn and understand their body’s needs while fostering their autonomy. 


Morning Circle: with singing, dancing, experiments, group discussions on the respective topics of the week. 

10:00 to 12:00

· Individual offers

· Pedagogic offers

· Celebrating birthdays /holidays

· Playground

· Trips

· Gymnastics / movement education

12:00 -13:00

· Lunch

· Brushing teeth

13:00 – 13:10 

Story time


· Nap / rest time

· Quite play time


· Wake up

· Free play

· Free play outdoors

· Preparing Snack


· Snack

15:30 – 17:30

· Picking-up time

· Pedagogic offers

· Garden

· Free play