Working with parents

Parents – our most important partners.

We are convinced that a trusting and good relationship between parents and teachers is very important for the optimal development of children and their well-being in our Children’s House. We see ourselves as an extension of the familial support system.

We are happy about:

  • Partnership give and take on both sides
  • Benevolent openness in dealing with each other
  • Fair approach
  • Constructive feedback
  • Active participation in our parents activities (festivals and celebrations, excursions)
  • Suggestions of all kinds
  • Positive returns

We strive to:

  • Contact and continuous contact care
  • Maximum transparency of our work
  • Regular feedback with parents about our observations the child and his behavior in the group concerning
  • The selection of parent-teacher conferences
  • Answering questions of parents
  • An open ear for problems
  • Parents Discussions
  • Letters to Parents
  • Parent survey

The link between parents and the kinderhaus team is the parents council. Its representatives are elected at the beginning of each year in kindergarten. The parents councils has an advisory and supportive role. An important prerequisite for its work is the mutual information of all members.
