Settling-In Period
We follow the Berlin Model for settling-in new children to the crèche. It is important to understand the length of each Settling-In varies and is adjusted individually to the needs of the child.
Settling-In consists of three phases:
The Initiation Phase, The Stabilization Phase, and The Final Phase.
In The Initiation Phase, the pedagogical specialist tries to build up a bond with the child so that the first separation of the parent can take place after about four days.
In The Stabilization Phase, these separations become longer day-by-day. We assess the child’s needs until the child can spend the entire day in crèche without their point of contact caregiver who is settling the child.
In The Final Phase, the child can spend time in the Kita without his or her caregiver. The child now feels safe and builds relationships with all the other pedagogical staff. The child knows the rituals and daily routine of the nursery. For some children, it is helpful to bring a transitional object (for example, a cuddly toy or a snuggle blanket) during the settling-in period
Transition made easy
For our children, the transition from nursery to kindergarten and then from kindergarten to school means that they are entering another, unknown phase of their life. This future role as a kindergarten child or school child brings with it the changeover to other caregivers, premises and new challenges.
Through the close cooperation of the nursery and kindergarten teachers, we want to make this process as gentle as possible for the children.